About a two months ago I took the plan B pill, because the condom broke. About 3 weeks ago I had sexual intercourse and there is a possibility, I have not taken any tests due to the fact that I just started my period about 5 days late. I have bad cramps in my lower abdomen. I have had cramps before but this feels worse. I have taken excedrin, my period doesn't seem like the normal flow. I can't sleep due to the fact that the cramps woke me up. I cannot fall back asleep. Also, in the fall I got clamydia and gonorreha but cured them with the help of my doctor. I have never discussed my cramps with my doctor, never felt it was a need, but I'm not sure what to do about the cramps now. I don't have a fever, and my whole stomache area feels alot of pressure. Also I had bubbly noises from my stomach about three weeks ago, went to the doctor and she told me it was gastrointestinitis and said there wasn't much she could do about it and to take a lot of liquids and crackers, I have tried that and the bubbly noises are still there.