Hi! I'm 7th day today late with period. Since 4 days I have slightly brown discharge (maybe twice a day when going to toilet, one night had one drop of blood). I did ClearBlue test on 5th day (morning), came negative. I am regular and usually have 28 days, rarely 26 days cycle. My periods start only 29th, rarely on the 30th (with half a day delay) or as mentioned before on the 27th. I had couple of months what I thought implantation spotting within a week after ovulation, felt bloated "movements" in my tummy, but my period always came. This time I didn't feel different and felt like my period was coming with lower back heaviness, but no period. Usually 2-3 days before period I get brown spotting, but it is consistent and leads to period, this time I can even wear white underwear and might get occasional light brown spot. Since 1,5 year of unprotected sex we didn't get pregnant...cause my husband doesn't have "great test", when retested 1 year after 1st test, it came back with double improvement on quality (he used to take light steroids before we met and I'm sure this is the cause), I also made him take Homoconception pills for 3 months... So, don't know if there is any hope or my period delayed for any other reason. Please comment