well ive been off and on birth control for a few months, and if im on it i usually miss a few days, so my periods were irregular, well i got back on my bc in the begining of this month and have not missed a day, so i am taking it everyday. Well im two day late on my period. But I don;t think im pregnaunt bc i haven't had morning sickness, and its been a week and a day since we kinda had sex. ( my boyfriend and i are both virgins and we just wanted to see how far we could get, how it would feel... well it only lasted 5 mins and he wore a condom and i had taken my bc way before we did anything. he didn't ejaculate at all in the condom, and wasn't all the way in me.) we also did outercourse, and he came and in his boxers when i was on him, but i had a pad on, and we know sperm can't live outside the body, but im wondering if maybe somehow some could have traveled in me? ive also been recently this month prescribed inhalers, one that does have some steriods in it, and have also had high stress this month as well. so im wondering if its possible i am pregnuant?