Query relating to the effects of Gonapeptyl depot 3.75mg
I'm 34, weigh 67kg at present, BMI 27, diagnosed with a large fundal subserosal fibroid the size of an 18 week pregnancy and scheduled for a myomectomy in 2 months. My periods are generally regular i.e. (28 days +1/2 days). I received a Depot on the 19th Jul 2011, a day before my period date and my period is now 3-4 days late. I know the depot stops periods but can you tell me if this delay is normal and if all the symptoms (swollen breasts and extra bloat) I feel just before my period shows up, should still be present? At present I'm bloated and my breasts are swollen and tender. Should I expect a period at all, seeing as it was due before the injection? Thank you