Hello, I just turned 28 years old, I have steadily gained 10 lbs atleast yearly since 2004. I have a 9 year old son. I have cystic acne, and can't lose weight. I have tried all types of diets and don't eat much and am pretty active. I started at 134lbs and have been that or under all of my life. My weight now is 190 or close. My triglyceride level is 455 way high, cholesterol is 228 high and hld is within range. my glucose is 61 sorta low, my ths, with reflex is 4.29, bun level is 9 low, cloride is 106 high and anion gap (whatever that is) is 6 low.. every other test I have had has been normal. My doctors told me I have PCOS and put me on some medication for high blood pressure (which isn't high) I've discontinues since it didn't seem to help and I don't have cysts on my ovaries, just me face... I ovulate more then once a month sometimes and am taking Zovia birth control, I also get facial hair that I think is more then normal.. Please HELP ME figure out what is wrong with me!!