I truly need help figuring this out. My boyfriend of a year has a part on his upper chest; right between the pectoralis major on the lower end, that is discolored to a reddish tone; almost looking like his skin is see-through in that area, feels very thin; like you could break the skin layer very easily, and came about 2 years ago; right after a 25 pound weight loss. He says the weight was lost because he "switched to organic milk," but it still worries me.
It does not cause him pain, but as you could expect; is a strong insecurity that he deals with on a daily basis. I have done my own research, and can not find any answers. I am truly desperate for any physician's assistance.
I am not sure if this helps at all, but he is a healthy 16 year old male. He is 6'1 and 145 pounds. He has a family history of heart problems; his father dying of one by the age of 50; same for his grandfather.
I wish to help him, I just hope that it is not serious. Please, be honest on the severity of the diagnosis if you can find one. Please, I truly hope you can help.
Thank you.