I have an indent on my right upper arm just above the deltoid/bicep insertion. It is discoloured somewhat like a bruise or a birthmark, but there is no associated pain. It is about 2x2 cm with a few lines of indent extending from it. When I run my finger over it, I can feel the muscel and tissue underneath - it is hard like muscle, not fat or painful. I am a 46 year old female in excellent health and in very good physical condition. I do aerobic activity 7x/week and weight train 3-4 days per week. I have asked my physio, maxo-ortho surgeon (I recently had TMJ surgery), massage therapist, a kinesology student, and my dentist. Then I went to my doctor - she said it was nothing and I probably just never noticed it before. It was never there before and I suddenly noticed it about 3 weeks ago - my son mentioned it to me as well as it was quite noticible to him. How to proceed (my doctor does not want to send me anywhere).