I m a sixteen year old female. And I was sexually active at one point. I decided to start being celibate twelve months ago , so I haven t had sex in that long. I know I shouldn t even do that but my imagination got the best of me and I made it reality...anyways my problem im having is dryness of the vagina, itching, burning sometimes, and every time I wipe it looks like brown dirt rolls on the tissue, its just in the vagina period. Um sometimes it is very painful to touch or wipe or even put water on it because it seems like its sores or something there and on the lining going to my behind. Also on the upper part of my thighs they are dark and I am bright and that s a problem for me. The thighs also itch very badly when hot or wet, and sometimes it gets these white ashy looking dry patches on them. Also in the vagina I get like this light brown discharge. Sometimes. I think that s after my period. Um I use different soaps whichever that smells good to me so yeah I use a lot of different soaps. I m kinda in the thick department i have small waist but thick thighs and behind. I also wear tight clothing a lot so idk if that s a problem, but i take baths a lot. I wash the inside and outside. I haven t got checked for any STDs because I m scared my mom will automatically think I have something which I pray I dont. But please help me and give me answers on what u think about what s going on and what should I do to stop all of this its very irritating. And i am very scared because I m starting to think i actually may have something. Please contact me and respond asap and I ve just saw that you had to pay to get an answer. But I have no credit or debit card neither does my mother we only use cash