I am 18 years of age, healthy, have no ongoing health problems/heart problems. I do however, get migranes about 3 times a week which in really bad cases will make me vomit. My weight is around 120-130 and I am 5'6". I eat very badly, tons of fatty sugar foods and barely get any protein or vegetables.
I have a question though. So yesterday night around 2am I started getting extreme pain in the arms and legs and slightly the chest area. I thought nothing of it and went back to sleep. Waking up the next morning I ached all over, more so in my left arm and chest. It hurt to breath, hurt to move, I can't touch myself anywhere without wincing. I somehow made it through school during the pain. I just happened to be looking in the mirror at myself when I noticed a big bruise on my left arm, near the funny bone area. There was also one on my back and on my thigh. The weird part is I have no idea where they came from. I am not a very active child, I rarely ever exercise or leave my nice comfy chair, so I don't believe it was from that.
I woke up this morning only to feel the intense ache, with no way to get rid of it. Should I be concerned?