Hi. Been experiencing fishy smelling vagina discharge for a while. went for a vagina swap and urine culture test.
Result; (Urinalysis)
Apearance- Amber and cloudy, PH- 5.5, S.G- 1.015, Pus cells-5-10/hpf
Epithelial cells- (+), Bacterial cells (++)
Vagina swap (culture) HVS
Pus cells 2-3/hpf, epithelial(+++), bacterial cells (+) and culture yielded a heavy growth of staphylococcus aureus.
I was prescribed Flagyl and ofloxacin. after taking the antibiotics been having brown vagina discharge(no odour no itche) since for 3weeks now.
went for another swap test and result of the HVS M/C/S is
Pus cells- 10-15/hpf, epithelial cells(++), bacterial cells (++), RBC- (+)
Pls will appreciate ur opinion. been married and trying to concieve for one year now.