I have had the mirena for a little over 3 years now, and every month I spot for just a couple of days. It has been about 2 and a half 3 months max that my spotting completely stopped and I started to get pregnancy like symptoms. I started to get really bad heartburn which normally doesn't happen, I am tired a lot and I always feel weird flutters in my stomache. I have taken multiple pregnancy tests, about a month and a half ago i took 2 and they were negative, about 2-3 weeks ago I took 2 more and they were negative. In the last couple of months I have also gained almost 20 lbs. I sometimes feel sharp pains in my stomach right in the middle going down in a straight line or right over where i believe my ovaries would be. I have not had my mirena checked in about 3 years because of no insurance and I am really concerned. As far as I know I can still feel my strings. What can this be?
I am 22 years old, and have 2 children. I am 5'4" and weigh about 155