I'm a 20 yr old white military male. I have a mediocre yet steady routine of diet and excercise. As of late November 09 I have been having what doctors are calling 'non epileptic attacks'. Symptoms of these so called attacks range from the routine blank stares to the extreme of full body convulsions. Military and Civillian Specialists have been unable to determine the causes or find a fix. They have toyed with the thought of PTSD even though i have yet to see battle. Sleep Apnea and Depression have also been used as partial reasoning for these attacks. I have been outfitted witht a CPAP machine, and prescribed zoloft, along with keppra. I have seen changes in mood, focus, and energy levels, but the 'attacks' themselves still persist. Hoping to find some options, insight, or even better some answers. Thank you for your time.