I always have fullness in ears. I am prone to diziness with minimal movement of my head. Often, I am confined to bed due to a combination of symptoms: fullness & crackling in ears, nausea, head feels like a lead balloon, eyes are sore and feel unfocused, dizziness, extreme sensitivity to noise, light & movement. I have excellent hearing ( actually I feel like I have Superman's hearing). I was told for years that I have meniere's disease, but then later told that could not be the case due to my hearing. The latest diagosis was Migranes without the headache. The change in barometric pressure seems to trigger the symptoms, as well as wind in my ears. I cannot drive with car windows down due to the pressure, and also need to wear headbands when it is windy.I get episodes that confine me to bed for 1-4 days. I have seen: allergists, ENT, neurologist, and most recently an acupuncturist. Most think I have an extreme sensitivity to balance.Any thoughts?