I have had a headache and earache with ringing in my ear since last November. The earache is mostly gone now, but the headache continues. It eases up, but never does away. The pain level is anywhere from 2-10. I also have muscle spasms in my neck. The headache always starts at the base of skull behind my left ear. I have shooting pains up the back of my head, in my left ear, behind my left ear, below my left eye, above my left brow and at nerve points all over the left side of my head along with tingling all over the left side of my head and face. The pain also goes down the left side of my neck, across my shoulder, then down my left arm along with tingling down my left arm. I was diagnosed with occipital neuralgia at a pain clinic. I had shots of steroids and an anathestic in the back of my head. My head was numb for several hours, but It didn't help, it actually caused more pain. I was sent to a neurologist. He said he thought it was a soft tissue injury, and it would take several months to heal. I don't recall hurting my neck or shoulder. He ran a couple of test on my left arm. One with needles and one with a shocking sensation (like a tens unit shocking feeling). Both were normal. I had physical therapy treatments, but did not get the results the neuralgist expected. The doctor at the pain clinic gave me prescription for vallium, eight tablets, one every six hours until gone. He said this should break the headache cycle. I slept for two days, and part of two more days. I had a pretty good week afterwards, then it slowly came back. The doctors did not agree on a diagnosis, except that this is not a migraine, so I am still in the dark. I am 53 years old. My height is 5/2" and weigh 126. Please help.