For about 6 to 8 weeks, I've been getting a really heavy, achy pain in my left arm, which sometimes travels to my neck and shoulder and all the way down into my hand, wrist and fingers. I've also been getting twinges of squeezy chest pain on my left side. The arm heaviness can last from a few hours to over a day, and the twinge-y chest pain lasts a second or two but usually occurs multiple times over the course of several hours. I sometimes experience some shortness of breath as well, and occasionally a very slight wheeze at the end of a deep breath. I'm a 26-year-old female with an 11-year history of very severe eating disorders; I nearly died six years ago from long-term malnutrition/starvation and although I'm at a normal weight now (about 120 lbs at 5'3"), I still binge and purge regularly. I was recently diagnosed with mild tricuspid regurgitation and have an irregular heart rate most of the time, even when all my electrolytes are normal. Though I've had some minor heart issues in the past, nothing serious has come of it so far. However, I've never had anything as severe and frequent (near-daily now) as the arm/chest pain I'm experiencing recently. I also have mild asthma (though it hasn't bothered much at all for years), osteoporosis (probably not relevant), depression and anxiety, a lot of digestive issues, and I smoke marijuana occasionally. (I've never had any negative effects from marijuana in the past, however since the pain started in my arm/chest, I find that smoking can worsen or induce an attack. Also, I don't smoke cigarettes and only occasionally drink alcohol.) What could possibly be causing this and how worried should I be??