Hi,am 24yrs old,i weigh 93kg,5'2tall,i had abortiön some 4yrs back ever since then my period as been irregular,at tyms i go on 35/40 cycles,i did USS twice but d results says d uterus is normal sized wit a maxim of ap diameter of 41mm,endometrial plate is intact,myometrial echoes ar uniform both adnexae ar free but POA contains copious fluid,i also tested 4 HVS Which was also neg.at times i see my menses twice in a month,and it comes lightly,i also tk postinor 4 prevention,i had sex wit bf on d 21 of mar bt d condom broke nd i took postinor bt LMP Was 11 of mar nd i saw my period again on 28 of mar nd since den av nt ad period till nw bt i av sore breast.pls help