around 2 weeks ago I had 2 small spots (like flea bites) on my centre knuckle of my right hand and they were very itchy. I didnt think any more of it a few days later until it got to wednesday just passed and I noticed the back of my hand was very itchy, when I looked there were a few little spots there and between then and now, they have spread onto the opposite side of my arm and upto half way between my wrist and elbow. I have never been allergic to anything other than nickle nor have I got eczema (I think thats spelt correctly!)
I'm not sure what this could be. I am a self employed cleaner and although I do use cleaning products, I have never had anything like this before after 2 years of using products, and I haven't changed any of my cleaning products recently!
I know this is long winded and there is probably many causes, but I am worried it could be something serious! Thanks, Liz xx