I am a 40 yr old female, and had a lap chole 3 yrs ago, otherwise healthy and well. I am 161cm tall approx 64 kg at a guess, non smoker, and am only a social drinker (but not a big or often drinker). I have had two babies.
Other past history include removal of tonsils and mouth ulcers since a child.
I have recently been told i have a liver lesion on my liver approx 3cm and is presumed to be benign FNH (post MRI examination). A year ago it measured 1.7cm.
I am not on the pill and have not been for at least 2 years. I am suffering with itchy skin and scalp? Could that be related?
Also I have intermittent chest pain, central sternal which comes in cycles, and has some relief with Nexium and mylanta. This has been proven not to be cardiac. Could this be related?
(Gastroscopies, and other tests including bloods eg hep all negative)
Any help/ advise is greatly appreciated. I have been told to sit tight and have a repeat ultrasound in 12 months.
Many thanks.