Im almost 10 months pp, I got off birth control because it was making me sick around march. My period has been on a 28 day cycle ever since, not one day late and my ovulation time was perfect every time I charted. I was supposed to start on July 11 but I was stressed out for two days before that date. I am not anymore. Im late going on to 4 days, my breasts are tender only sometimes, I get slight cramping, and the left side of my pelvic-abdomen hurt sometimes and today I wore a pad and got a light brownish discharge. I did take a nap yesterday which is abnormal for me but didnt think anything of it. My husband and I are using proper protection but you never know. I have taken 4 pregnancy tests and all came back negative. I havent used morning pee on any of them. Should I be expecting a pregnancy? Or is my period possibly late because of me stressing for those 2 days before my scheduled period?