Hello Doctor, My period has started on the 15th during the past two months of March and April. My periods are relatively long and can last up to 8 days. Usually the last two days are light spotting but I have a substantial flow for at least 5 days. My concern is that I am sexually active and I have skipped my period for the entire month of May (my last period being April 15). I had taken a home pregnancy test at least a week after my missed period. The last week of May, I was under the impression I was ovulating. My discharge seemed to go through a cycle of being watery and clear to being more tacky and clear and then I has some cloudier discharge (not necessarily in this order) . At the end, I had discharge that was slightly off colored (brownish). The next day after the brownish discharge I started what I believed to be menstruation on the 2nd of June. However I did not have tender breasts, cramping, or any of the other symptoms I usually experience. As far as I can recall, I have have had a small headache before June 2nd and I would categorize myself as unusually emotional. I was also particularly gassy (yet this is normal for me when I am on my period). I stopped bleeding completely today, June 4th. I have not used tampons during this time period, instead I used pads. Normally, I d bleed much heavier. This time I bled nothing in comparison to my heavy flow. My pad seemed to have a dark brown-black color. There also seemed to be more clotting in my pad rather than smooth fluids. I do not have any symptoms of my period or pregnancy besides being more emotional than usual. I understand there are many factors that can make my period late. I have totally changed my routine since I had started a new internship and am now waking up earlier than usual, not getting as much sleep, etc. I have also felt there has been a decrease in my appetite. I know I am close to being overweight, but there has not been a drastic decrease or increase in my weight this month. I would say I am stressed, due to my internship and other events that have accumulated in the month of May. I m more concerned about having a two day period which is quite abnormal for me. The color and consistency is also abnormal for me. I m curious if I have received a false negative on my home pregnancy test. I would like to to know If I can take another home pregnancy test tomorrow before going to the doctors . Is it possible I did not ovulate this month (or not as many times) which would lead to a small amount of whatever material that would make up my uterine lining to expell itself? My plan is to get a blood test to test for HCG, then ultrasounds for a possible ectopic pregnancy, etc) . I m most concerned that if I m not pregnant (being ectopic or not) I may have some sort of reproductive issue. Or vice versa. Being that I m young I d like to address that as early as possible. Additionally, I do not want to show up at the doctor and just have him/her just tell me I m stressed. Thank you for your time, Sabrina