My mother is a healthy woman, 50 years old, and not overweight. Far the past two months she's started to feel faint, dizzy, light-headed and her feet are cold and sweaty. When an "attack" happens, she can help herself to a seating position but is unable to move or communicate effectively, and is cold+sweaty to the touch, but complains of being hot. Usually this last for 10 to 15 minutes.
Also, she complains of a faint buzzing sensation in her hips that lasts for long periods. This weak feeling is starting to last for days on end. She's not on any medication, and have not taken any for any reason for some time. There is no medical history in our family that supports these symptoms - no heart diseases, thyroid problems, cancers, ect. She states that she has never experienced these symptoms before, unfortunately she is a smoker, but i feel that is not the cause of these attacks. What could be wrong with her?