Hi im a freshman health science student and i have an oportunity for extra credit and braging rights for finding the answer to this clinical question, im allowed to use any means necessary to find answer. the question and clinical setting is; Patient presented repeatedly in the past with mild respiratory symptoms over the past two years. Coughing, wheezing and other generalized discomfort. After being advised to quit smoking, the symptoms seemed to improve. Patient has started smoking again, symptoms have returned and worsened - including coughing up blood.
Patient is admitted and you notice some additional symptoms. These include elevated BP, generalized swelling, decreased urine production and slight bleeding into urine.
You begin testing. Over a 24 hour period, urine production decreases dramatically and the content of blood in the urine increases dramatically.
What is your diagnosis for this patient?
What should you look for in the blood to confirm your diagnosis?
id really appricate the help cause im a little stumped