"For the past 24 hours or so, I have had severe shooting pains in my lower left leg, about 6 inches above the ankle on the outside of the leg. I have nottwisted or strained my leg and the pain does not seem to be associated with any specific motion or activity, raher, the pain seems to be random and unpredictable....but when it occurs, it feels as if someone is stabbing me and is bad enough to cause me to yell out in pain and a couple times has literally brought me to my knees. It has happened while driving, while lying in bed, and while standing. When the pain isnt there, I am fine...my leg does not ache and it doesnt hurt to do anything. It is not an aching pain, it is VERY sharp pains in a very specific spot or area. ANY idea what this coud be???"
I have the same issue that started today!
What can cause this?