my 86 yo neighbor has had a malodorous brown discharge since february. Other than being a little fatigue at times and one size weight loss, there are no other symptoms. had 2 separate ultrasounds 3 months apart and was told that she had an ovarian cyst which has not changed in size.
THIS IS WONDERFUL NEWS- THOUGHT IT COULD BE CANCER,. however we are now still quite concerned about the continual discharge. she has had 2 rounds of meds to treat ? yeast infection. the dischrage never ceased. she was recently treated with a five days dose of metronidazole (? sp) for what is thought to be a bacterial infection. llast tablet was monday 8/15, discharge heavy again on tuesday 8/16. she seems to feel it started after a negative colonoscopy in october 2010 and seems to think there could have been a perforation durinf this procedure. she seems to be quiet now, but is hesitant to see another gyn doctor. where is this dischrage coming from, any advice?