I am a 21 year old female, and I'm having a problem. During my moving process I found that I was starting to get small bumps on the top of my hand; not all over the top of my hand just by my thumb and pointer finger. They did not itch, or seem like a rash because they weren't red, or white, you actually can't see them until I turn my hand a certain way and then you can see them. This was 3 weeks ago but as the weeks went by the small bumps spread straight up all over my pointer finger and it wasn't until the third week that they began to itch not all the time but occassionally and when they would itch it's bad, and the bumps seem bigger than the ones on the top of my hand. Also during the 2nd week I began to get bumps on my other fingers on my other hand but they still don't itch and I don't notice them until I think about them to look at them. Also the bumps are just that, bumps there are no spot in the center, and they aren't puss filled or anything, just itchy bumps.... Please help me figure out what they are, it's killing me....