i experienced numbness/tingling in right arm and leg. we visited the ER. the CT scan was negative. i did not experience facial paralysis, except for very mild tingling in lower right lip. no headache, no blurred vision, no speech problems. the next day they did a carotid doppler survey. all looked good. the numbness went away, then came back slightly stronger for 24 hours. an MRI indicated a "small recent nonhemorrrhagic lacunar infarct within the lateral left thalamus". the doctors also did an contrast echo of my heart. they said my heart is in very good shape. i exersice regularly but am a bit over weight (5' 10" 185lbs).the numbness slowly receded to where now, 10 days later, i feel back to normal. I have high blood pressure (150/95) and have been on Lisinopril since our ER visit, and ma now around 125/75. i am 55 years old. I am looking for a NAME for this event. it was stroke, but it seems to have been a "mild stroke", although it was more than just a TIA. Was it a RIND? what are the odds i will have another stroke? thanks, Chris