My lip is numb and I don't know why? It feels like there is a lot of pressure inside my mouth (between my teeth and nose) - almost feels like an injection you get when you were at the dentist and they numbed your top lip. My teeth feel fine and there's no PAIN in my teeth - just discomfort and "pressure" on the "inside" of my gums, up to my inside of my right nostril - can it be an abses? A collegue at work said that I might have had a stroke without me knowing it, but my "vital-signs" (as far as I know) are normal. I woke up this morning and my whole top lip was numb - the discomfort and "pressure" started yesterday morning when I woke up, and I just thought that I grinded my teeth whilst sleeping, but i don't think that's the case, as I am still experiencing this discomfort. Any help will be greatly appreciated.