Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I am 34 with one child who is 16. I have been going through some medical stuff this month which started with pain in my upper rt. quadrant, particularly under rib ridge starting from diaphram down the ridge. ER ruled out blood clot in lungs and heart. Blood work said I was within ranges however, pain has flanked to rt side and back. I cannot eat, feel very full and extreme nausea. No ulcers known and I do not have a gall bladder (removed 1996) I do drink coffee regularly and eat sushi once a week. I am also extremely fatigued, achy, tired, and winded easily. I have since started my period which is regular every 28 days with no issues. However, this period is not normal in color, it is orange. Orange-orange. I have a pressure headache in the front part of my forehead as well. I should also mention that I have been medically bed rested on and off since 2008 for a back injury and 2 broken ankles. I am 5 10 , 290lbs, and a 20 year smoker. ( I quit two years ago) I drink periodically. Could the orange period be linked to the other issues that are happening at this time?