hello, im a 27 year old male, 5' 11" and 15 stone. every so often i have a really bad night trying to sleep, i get cold sweats and pains in the left side of my chest, also i get the falling feeling a lot that startles me awake. i cant fall aslepp on my left side because i get chest pains and i cant fall asleep on my back or front because i get falling feelings that wake me up. i had this last night and can still fell some pain around 4 inches below my armpit. i have constant pain in the left side of my head, face, neck and shoulder that i am taking pain medication for. the doctors are confused as to what is causing this pain, neuralgia, chronic sinusitus, allergic reaction. this pain doesnt normally occur in my chest so when this happens its quite worrying. do you have any ideas what this could be?