I have been having armpit pain, shoulder pain and throat pain. I have seen my dr, had blood work, all seems to be "normal" She cked my lympnodes & said nothing was "swollen" but this pain is persisting & I am doing Nothing out of my normal routine that would cause stress or strain to any of my achy parts.. I suffer from anxiety & panic, my levels are describes as moderiate to sever. I take cymbalta 30mg x1 daily, with 1 small does of xanax daily. .05.. I am worried that my anx/panic disorder may lead some to thing I am not having anything going on, but, this is real pain & yes, I am more than a little stressed about it.
I was thinking about consulting a lymphnode dr, but, Im not sure what they are called.. The pain has started to radiate down my back now. About middle, between shoulder blades... ugh, can u give me any insite? Thanks.