2 years post op gall bladder removal, colonoscopy, endoscopy. I still consider myself post op. Lower back pain, .Multiple meds for depression, anxiety, ibs, sleeping pills all discontinued x 1 yr. Same symptoms always felt full, unable to eat much, my gut (colon) so noisy you could hear it across the room. May 2017, finally started fruit smoothies and forced them down, 2 days later, had a major vomiting episode (never vomited in 5 years prior to this), the noise stopped, my stools this whole time non existant, constipation and watery seeping around the blockage causing constant leakage and urgency when it hit. like there was a blockage that the banana smoothie loosened and it did not go down, it came up violently. now I take a stool softener daily. Left Hip pain x 10 years, worse at times like the hip is locked up and I have to manually move my left leg totally useless and painful, and pain in left groin area when coughing, ???