Hello, I experienced shooting pains in both big toes a few months back. This stopped and in the last couple of months both toes became swollen. I bathe them in salt daily and have been on high strength flucloxacillin (c. 5 weeks now). The infection in the left toe has nearly gone, the right remains (both leak small amounts of pus and more recently abit of blood at the base/cuticle, the right toe is more painful now). I saw a podiatrist yesterday (who asked for a second opinion). She has never seen anything like it, confirmed it was not an ingrowing toenail or fungal infection. Results from swabs taken of the pus etc, say no need to be treated, no fungal infection, so my GP has made me another appointment for a second opinion with her colleague. The podiatrist advised the swab would determine what type of bacteria I may have, in order to determine the correct antibiotics (but results didn't show anything). As both toes affected, she thought possibly caused by wearing tight/ill fitting shoes. I returned to the doc today for further swabs. Previously had a urine test for diabetes, no abnormality and doc advised not gout. Any ideas, advice gratefully received. In the evenings I apply vicks vapour rub to the nail as it contains thymol, which kills fungal bacteria. The right nail has not grown since the infection started. Thanks in advance for any advice.