ABout this time last year i had slightly torn a ligament in my right wrist. it took over 6 weeks to fully heal. I am a cheerleader at my high school and i also do tumbling classes outside of school, so there is a lot of wrist action. Right now my LEFT wrist is starting to hurt. It isn't the same pain as last year's, which was a pinched feeling and it hurt to move or even put slight pressure on it. My left wrist was broken about 4 years ago and has had no trouble since then, until now. I tried doing a push up on it today and i couldn't, it sometimes aches randomly. There is no swelling, no redness, no brusing that i can see. But i cannot put any pressure on it. I do not want to make it worse what so ever, but i don't want to have this for very much longer. I cannot tell if it is a slight sprain? or maybe just soreness? It is worrying me though. It has been going on for 4 days now. What is going on? How long will it take? What can i do to help it?