Hi, I'm 17 and recently lost my virginity with this guy, and it was unprotected. I know, it was stupid but i did it like 4 times unprotected. And now, i'm starting to have these symptoms that i have never had in my life. Every time, a day after intercourse, my labia minora starts to peel. It rubs off like dead skin in the shower. and its alot of dead skin, its like it's shedding. And It itches a lot, and its red, and it swells. The second time i had intercourse, this happened, and i started rubbing Bacitracin antibiotic ointment on it everyday, and all of the symptoms started to go away, my vagina just was very sensitive. I haven't been to the doctor because i don't want to tell my mother. PLEASE HELP MEE! Do i have an STD?!