Hi i am a 24 year old female, i have a question, i went to the ER 2 weeks ago w pelvic pain they diagonised me w PID and gave me antibiotics, i followed up qith my OBGYN a week later bc the pain was still very bad, he gave me pain medicine and told me to come back in 3 days if it wasnt better, It wasnt any better so i went back and he gave me more pain meds and said it was prolly endometroisis ( this was wed) well today i am still experiencing this bad pelivc pain and i called my OB back and told them, they told me to go to the ER for more testing, i dont know what to do , the pain medicine is the nly thing that helps but i just want it gone. They have talked ab doing surgery to see ab endometrosis. do you have any advice?