I am a 36yr old mother of 4. I have been have large gushes of fluid from my vagina daily for about a month. Clear with no smell. Enough to soak through my clothing when I stand and soak through tampons as well. I m sure it s coming from my vagina and not urethra. I have also had a dull cramp on my right side for about same time. When it first begun I went to the ER due to headache, vomiting, extreme fatigue and the cramp but they only did blood work and urinalysis and sent me home with orders to rest. I still have no energy but not sleeping like I was. I have also had two periods within the last 20 days the second of which was only 11 days from the start of the first and was abnormally heavy and long. I only have 1 sex partner and he and I went to get checked for Std s (last week) done by blood and urine all of which were negative. I have not had a check for Trich or BV yet but I cannot get in to my OBGYN for 3 more wks. No history of Std s or any vaginal infections ever. Early menopause does run in my family as my mother was complete by 40 and a sister of mine by 38. Not sure if this could mean anything but I also stopped having regular bowel movements about 1yr ago. I had a colonoscopy the yielded 1 minor polyp. I only have bowel movements 1x ever 7-10 days, I had a kidney stone in August (1st one) I have a copper t iud for 3.5yrs, and I ve lost 63lbs this year with diet and exercise. Any idea what could be causing this? It s pretty embarrassing because I never know when the fluid will flow.