For the past 2 years I've been having some persistent, moderate pain in my tail bone. I cannot sit for long periods of time without it becoming grossly uncomfortable, having to constantly change sitting positions in order to relieve the pain. Regardless of a soft or hard surface, the pain occurs after sitting longer than about 45 minutes. In the past two years, I have not experienced any trauma to my tailbone, nor prior to that time. It was not that big of a concern until recently I noticed that there seems to be a small, hard mass sitting on the left side at the tip of the sacrum and the coccyx (where the two cheeks meet). The mass is about the size of a nickel, it is not visible from the surface of my skin, and there appears to be no redness or sign of irritation. However, upon touch, there is a fairly great amount of tenderness. If I shift my weight to my left hip while sitting, the pain worsens and becomes even more unbearable. I'm a freshman in college and I do not have access to my regular family physician anymore. What might be the cause to this kind of pain, and who would be the best physician to get in touch with at this time? Someone said that any sign of a lump or mass is never good. Could it possibly be a cyst or tumor?
Thanks so much for your time.