I ve been having a strange discharge lately. I m not sure if it s my period or something more serious. It s a watery pink/red discharge with small clots (smaller than normal menstral clotting.) ranging from dark red/red/brown. I am not pregnant, My periods have been very regular/normal. My boyfriend uses non-lubercated condoms and there is no issues with lubercation as far as I m aware of. I have been having more innercoarse than usual and have been using new positions so to speak, not sure if that information is relevant or the cause. I am a regular tobacco user, and I have had cysts before. Never had a pregnancy, nor do I plan to become pregnant. I have recently moved across the country, not sure if the stress from that situation is relevant relevant to this case either. I have no health insurance, or have the means to see a physician/doctor let alone is it an option. Any help is appreciated.