I have had recurring chest discomfort for the past 3 months, none of any major severity of duration. The most prevalent is a sort of "poking" feeling on the left center portion of my chest. I have also in the last week had that same poking type pain in my left shoulder. At times I feel lightheaded and every now and then I have a pain in my back, specifically right inside the left shoulder blade. I have been to the ER this past Tuesday with the same symptoms and a blood pressure average of about 140/100. I had blood taken and tested and an EKG done, all coming back with no alarming results. I was told to follow up with a cardiologist, for which i do have an appointment on Friday, Jan. 14. I have had anxiety due to stress which has produced two anxiety attacks of significance since late November. The physicians I have seen all say this is due to anxiety, but I cannot help but worry if it's more. Can you please shed some light on what may be occuring? Thank you.