on sat i was just handing out flyer at work(im a greeter) and all of a sudden i got a horrific pain on the top of my head approx 3 inches on top from my left ear. wow, the pain shot down from my head ,down my jaw,cheek and mouth. it went hot and numb.i ncouldnt even see or hear if my customers were coming in. this lasted approx 5 seconds. then went away, then happened another 6 times that day,. i did not have a replacement so i had to stay at work,. the area on top my head has still hurt approx size of a loonie(canadian) or size of a oreo cookie. i went to the doc and he is taking it serious since i had a pulminary embolism 2 years ago. i am a paraplegic in a wheel chair, and am 43. anyone have any sugestions??