I am 23 and virgin. I've never had seasonal allergies before, but this year, I had terrible seasonal allergies, involving skin rashes. Skin rashes ultimately caused my eczema, which I did not have since H.S., to flare up again. I decided to shave my pubic hair (never had done it before), mostly because I thought it'd improve the skin rashes by helping to keep clean and dry down there. It was the worst choice I've ever made. It began itching down there, mostly because the hair was not short enough and therefore getting irritated by the underwear. At first, only the vulva itched. About 2 or 3 days before menstruation, my labia and skin around the vagina began to itch also. Vaginal itch went away when period started, but now that my cycle is ending, it itches again. The itch suddenly comes right after I step out of the shower (I avoid washing down there with any soap when I shower). I have been temporarily relieving myself by putting some 1% hydrocortisone on my labia whenever I had itch flare ups. I'm wondering if this is vaginal eczema or just allergies or something else entirely. I also would like to know what I could do to manage the itch because I have been using the 1% hydrocortisone on and off for about a week now, and I am reluctant to continue using it for any longer. Thank you.