ok, so I woke up one morning with a rash on my feet, inner arms and torso, (up the sides of my torso). The rash is itchy little red bumps with some small abrasion looking cuts on the arms. Now two weeks and still not gone away I am worried. The red bumps up the side of my torso are turning flesh colored but still raised. The bumps on my arms and feet are starting to dry up and become a little scaly(feet bumps still very red) . I've been looking online and seen that it may be HIV, syphilis, rocky Mt. fever or scabies. The thought of any of those are now giving me panic attacks. The couple days before it happened I had, gone swimming in the cold, (30 degree air, just above that temp was the water). I hiked MT chacora in NH. And the night before I had the rash I did have protected sex with a girl. Any Better Ideas?