Hi I don't understand my body at all.I currently work in a call center and whenever I work there I get sick.When I was 13 years old I was admitted to Hospital because of Pneumonia I spent 4 days there but before that I was really a healthy.
When I was in high school I got U.T.I.then while I was still in College I found out that I got Polyscistic Ovarian Syndrome and I was advised to take pills called Mercilon.The side effect of it was getting a really bad skin problems that took me 8 months to recover and positive 2 diabetes.One year later I had U.T.I.again and back pain and now I got Amoebiasis.
My family had history of breast cancer,tuberculosis,liver cancer,asthma,diabetes,and hypertension.
I really want to know why in the world I am sickly.I don't eat pig's meat nor eat junk food most of the times nor drink sodas.I actually eat fruits and vegetables and take vitamins.
I really need help on what to do to prevent any diseases in the future and to stop those health problems I had before from occurring again.
Doctors here in our place don't even want to listen on what I have to say but they just smile and sometimes I feel like they are criticizing me or not interested at all on what I am telling them or sometimes I think they don't believe me at all.
I visited 20 Doctors now in our region and other place but they don't give me an answer which is really weird.