My doctor currently prescribes me Percocet because I have Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome in my left foot and ankle, and also because I was attacked by my dog (with a brain tumor) and who incidently severely mauled my left forearm. My husband has been working a lot of overtime right now because I can't work (because of my disease and injury), and we're sharing a car right now. The problem is, is that my doctor's office called me into the office for a pill count a couple weeks ago, but I had no transportation to make it within the 2 hour time-frame that I was given. I tried to explain to the staff member on the phone that I had no way of getting to the office within the time that I was being alotted, but all she told me was, "The doctor can still see you and treat you for you high blood pressure, but he MAY NOT be able to write you any nore prescriptions for pain medication. What do I do? I DO need my pain medicine so that I can be productive, but I may have breached my "Narcotics Agreement." What can I say to my doctor so that this incident won't be held against me? How can I ask him NOT to cut me off my meds?