i didnt know who to talk to. Ive been trying to deal with doctors for the past few years on some health isssues i have, I have severe head pain in my right side of the brain above my right eye brow,feels almost like a pressure/migraine of some sort... My right side of my face feels smaller then the other. i also feel like it looks different in the mirror. If i hold my breath in to long my right side of my face numbs and i have seasure like symptoms where my arm starts to twitch and i can fall to the ground. I also noticed that my right neck has a giant muscle or artary sticking out,so i looked in a biology book and found out the muscle in the front right side of neck was called the sternocleidomastoid. its very much noticable in the wy it sticks out and when i stretch my head to the left and drop my right arm down it hurts and feels very tight.. Past injurys ive had were a few bicycle wipe outs in which i jumped in the air and landed on my face and hospitalized my self so i dont know if that has anything to do with my back? or neck muscles. ive dislocated my right shoulder body building,and i used to play football baseball threwout my younger years. Some people said it could be pinched nerves or muscles in my back or in my shoulder blades,but i thought id ask the experts on their opinion before i go further. Thanks for your time reading this. If you need pictures or anything else please feel free to ask.