I am a major hypochondriac and my latest concern (of many) is that I may have a brain tumor. I have bored everyone around me to death talking about this and my family never wants to let me around a computer because they know I am only going to google symptoms.
I have suffered from headaches my whole life. They used to be so bad in high school that I could only help them by lying down and going to sleep. For some reason, it only occurred to me recently to be so worried about them. And I have been worrying a lot.
I never kept a headache journal or payed much attention before, so I don't really remember symptoms or triggers of past headaches, but for the last few months I have noticed that a couple times a month I will get severe, throbbing headaches on the right side of my head. I wouldn't say they are accompanied with an aura, but I can usually sense that they are coming on because I will feel tireder and feel the pain building up.
I usually always feel nauseous when these headaches happen. I don't feel that I am going to be seriously ill, I just feel queasy and know that the only thing that would stop the queasiness is making the headache go away.
There are some things I suspect to be triggers. They seem to happen if I go too long without eating, or caffiene. They also seem to occur mostly around the time of my period. I have not kept a very thorough record of my headaches, though, so I cannot be sure.
I know that I have been having this specific type of headache for atleast a year. It doesn't happen too often and it hasn't really interfered with my life. I was content to call it a migraine until my mom brought it up at my last eye doctor appointment. The eye doctor said that any headaches with nausea should be a concern. Now I cannot stop worrying.
I also found out that a headache that is always on the same side of the head is a brain tumor give away. Mine are always on my right side.
Is this so troubling that I need to go out right now and get an MRI, or are there certain signs and symptoms I should watch out for that would signal a medical emergency? I have tried to simply forget about it and move on with my life, but I can't. Even when I am in no pain at all I will think about it and start crying. My biggest fear is that I have a brain tumor that is going to kill me very soon.