Hi there, I hope you can help...I am 26, have and no long term health problems...About 6 months ago I had an abortion and then had a copper IUD inserted. I then had the IUD removed about 2-3 months afterwards as it caused me alot of pain and very heavy periods. I was fine for a couple of weeks but then started to get spots on my face, occasionally get tender breats, I have mood swings i feel lethargic and tired alot and have no sex drive! what is wrong with me? It has been six months surely my hormones should be back to normal???? or do I have a hormonal imbalance? if so, is there any proven herbal remedy or over the counter drug that you could recommend to help me get my sex life and hormones back to normal???? and are there any long term health implications of this? also I once in a while get a slight twinge in my lower abdomen on the right hand side mostly during my period...What could this be? I am terrified that it may be something wrong that could affect my chances of having babies, or is this quite common??? i just don't know....PLEASE help me .... thank you xx