33yrs male h/o hypothyroidism taking eltroxin 100 since 2003, tsh with in limit, six weeks back i suffer pain in my large joints like knees , shoulders , elbows , pain is migratory with no symp. of inflamation , pain is not static , after blood check docter find my Rf negative , Uric acid normal but my crp is positive with increased esr, during blood investigation i found my Lft elevated my sgot and sgpt were very high as 350 and 145 resp. with mild fatty lever, docters of PGI chandigarh adviced me to stop all the medicin and start investigations of my lever problem. after investigation hepatitis a , b, c were negative , asa , ana and other test were normal , after 4 week treatment of lever my sgot and sgpt are now within limits and hepotology docters told me to check myself from rheumatology dept. during my lever treatment i was not taking painkillers but now i dont have that much pain but even still i feel tolrable pain in my elbows some time fingers , wrist and shoulders , agin there is no inflamation but i feel stiffness . please help me , i want to know from which disease i am suffering , what would be the medicin .