Hi,,,I have suffered with sever pain at the top of my Stomach and into the middle of my ribcage on and off for years, this got much worse a year ago and could not even bend to dry my feet as I felt there was something in the top of my tummy...more then bloating
I was reffered to a Consultant,,test's negative apart from acid reflux,,taking medication to relieve symptons,
However Sunday through to present have been in a lot of pain with a very full feeling going under my right ribcage,,seen my GP today and asked if it could be a Hernia,,,she said she may send me for some test's to confirm,,,,I have lost weight as eating makes it much worse and have lost my appetite
I also have a very high Iron overload,,which they are monitoring,,,1000 now down to 600
My question is could there be a connecton between the two,,,I really need a closure on this now as my quality of life is much reduced