Okay, when i was about 13 i started keeping sharp pains at the bottom of my head where my neck was. It would feel like someone was shoving a needle in my head and i felt as though i could like almost feel the blood rushing and it would get really hot. It was so intense I would just collapse and start crying and then a few minutes later i would be fine. I am now 18 and also suffer from nausea, memory problems, dizziness, loss of balance, black out spells, and severe headaches in between the time. It would happen every month or two. Then it started happening more often. And now, its happening on my right and left temple areas too.My regular doctor wasn't in, so i had to see a doctor who has misdiagnosed me before. He said i had tension headaches and he gave me butalbital/apap/caffeine. Which did absolutely nothing at all.Do you think it could be anything else?